With the high temperatures we're having those days, sure that you'd like to go to the beach to have a swim in the sea and enjoy the sun in a sunbed listening to the sea breeze. In this article we give you 10 tips to protect your skin during your sunbath and to get a healthy and long-lasting tan.
- Exfoliate your skin before your sunbath. This is a good way to get a more uniform and long-lasting tan, you can use exfoliating creams or a vegetal glove.
- Avoid the sun at noon. If you're planning to go to the beach or make some outdoor activities, don't do it in the central hours of the day (from 12pm to 3pm) to avoid sunburn in your skin.
- Protect your skin adequately. To use sun cream with an adequate protection factor for your skin and protection for the UV rays is a must . You hall use a high factor specially for the first sun expositions (from 25 to 50 depending on your skin type). Take special care with a higher factor of those parts of your body that usually are not exposed, like your belly and your back, because the skin in those areas is very sensitive and therefore more propense to sunburn. When you choose your cream, ensure that it has an additional filer for the UV rays, that are the ones that harm in a long-term basis. Remember to apply it 30 minutes before your sunbath and renovate it every 2 0r 3 hours.
- Protect yourself from the inside. If you are specially sensitive to the sun, we reccommend you to reinforce your protection eating foods with additional antioxidants. For example, betacarothene, that is in vegetables and fruits like carrots, melon or spinachs, and vitamin E, that help to make your skin less sensitive to the sun, and also help your tan to last longer.

© by Leo-Setä
- Avoid to use products with parfums and alcohol. Don't use deodorants and parfums that contain alcohol to go to the beach, they may cause dark spots in your skin.
- Increase progressively the exposure to the sun. We know that the idea of lying in the sun for hours like a lizzard is really tempting, but be aware that the exposure to the sun has to be progressive. With 15-20 minutes is enough for the first day, and much better if you are in motion, 30 minutes the second day, and so on.
- Use sunglasses. Eyes need an adequate protection, it is very important to use homologated sunglasses. If they have a tag with the initiala CE (European Commitee) means that they are appropiated to protect your eyes from the sun and that they comply the European directives. Don't forget to ask for which filter category have they got, number 4 is for a higher sunshine and therefore has higher protection, perfect to go to the beach in summer.

© by Louise Garin
- Don't forget a hat. It will help you to protect your head and your hair from the sun, and it is also the perfect accessory for the pictures of your holidays next to the sea.
- Drink water. It's important that you drink water to don't dehydrate, specially for children and elderly people. It will also help you to avoid your skin from flaking and to enhance its elasticity.
- Use an After Sun cream. It will help you hydrate and calm your skin, as they have calming elements and some of them also antiinflammatory for light skinburns, like enoxolone