In our Facebook page, we have been anouncing lately that there were #3BigNews coming for season 2017 at Sumus Hotel Monteplaya in Malgrat de Mar.
We try to keep improving since the 1960's when we first opened our hotels, in order to offer to our customers the best service and modern and comfortable facilities. This last renovation has been a three years process, as we have completely refurbished and reestructured our 168 rooms. By now all the Superior and Confort rooms are beautifully refurbished, and a small part of the Standard rooms, but when we open for season 2017, all our rooms will be finally done, including the Standard Rooms, that will have a fresh and modern look more according to this new times :
Also following this rooms upgrade, and more renovations that will come in a near future, together with our philosophy of taking care of our clients to make them enjoy a superb holidays experience, we'll become a 4* Superior hotel.
And the third of our #3BigNews... it has been a really hard decision for us to make, but we believe it is the right direction for this new times, were travelers look for hotels and vacations with a specific theme or focused to a concrete kind of client. With all our rooms completely refurbished and a new category of 4* Superior, we become in 2017 an Adults Only (+16) Hotel.
For all our family guests, we still have available another of our hotels in Pineda de Mar, Sumus Hotel Stella & Spa, that is suitable for families with children and where you will receive the same friendly treatment as in Sumus Hotel Monteplaya:
What do you think about all these news? :)