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Home > Blog > At Sumus Hotels Group we have reached a collaboration agreement with the CRAM Foundation.
At Sumus Hotels Group we have reached a collaboration agreement with the CRAM Foundation.
March 29, 2023

At Sumus Hotels Group we have reached a collaboration agreement with the CRAM Foundation to carry out a sponsorship campaign with the aim of raising awareness among both our staff and our customers, with sustainable actions that help to raise funds to contribute to the rescue of sea turtles and the conservation of the marine ecosystem in the Mediterranean.

What is CRAM Foundation?

The CRAM Foundation (Foundation for the Conservation and Recovery of Marine Animals) is a private non-profit organisation that has been active for more than 25 years, dedicated to the protection of the marine environment and the species that inhabit it. It is recognised as one of the most important foundations in Spain.

What are the objectives of the CRAM Foundation?

The 4 main objectives of the CRAM Foundation are the following:

         - To develop knowledge of diseases and clinical care in endangered marine species using non-invasive and painless techniques.

         - To promote research projects applied to the reproduction of species and the conservation of habitats in collaboration and synergy with other institutions

         - To generate, through different communication tools, awareness and education aimed at all social spheres in order to favour the conversation of the marine environment.

         - Establish international cooperation programmes with countries that do not have sufficient resources to provide them with the means and knowledge to help the conversation and the recovery of their biodiversity.

¿What have they achieved during these years?

The CRAM Foundation has achieved numerous feats that have always received media coverage on important channels in the country. Some of the actions are the following:

         - Recover and release more than 800 sea turtles and give them a new life.

         - More than 350 dolphin and whale stranding assistances.

         - More than 50 scientific and conservation projects.

         - More than 50 assistances to different species of sharks.

         - More than 1500 people participating in its volunteer programme.

         - Trainin for professionals from marine animal recovery centres.


Fundació CRAM Conservació i Recuperació d'Animals Marins | Què fem?

Our action with the CRAM Foundation

From Sumus Hotels Group, we started a sponsorship campaign for the CRAM Foundation, in line with our priority to contribute to sustainability and environmental care in the daily life of our hotels, with daily actions that make a difference.

We are therefore starting a campaign in the 2023 season to reduce water consumption and reduce the discharge of waste from cleaning products into our seas by making small changes to our service, which will have a minimal impact on our customers, but will make a difference to the lives of many marine animals.

At Sumus Hotels we have a pool towel service completely free of charge for all our guests, but from this year onwards, if you wish to change your pool towel during your stay, it will cost €1 per towel, which will go entirely to the CRAM Foundation to work on the rescue and rehabilitation of sea turtles in the Mediterranean Sea.

With this action, we seek to reduce water consumption, prevent a large part of the waste derived from cleaning products from ending up in our oceans, while giving visibility to the CRAM Foundation, and at the same time contributing financially to this beautiful cause that carries out such important work in the conservation of our oceans.

For more information about the CRAM Foundation and its activities, we leave you the link to its web site: .