Carrer de les Puntaires, 1
08397 Pineda de Mar
T: (+34) 93 767 14 52
F: (+34) 93 767 06 96
Passeig Marítim, 52
08380 Malgrat de Mar
T: (+34) 93 765 40 78
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Home > Blog > Discover the Summer Festivities in Maresme
Discover the Summer Festivities in Maresme
July 06, 2024

Maresme, a coastal region of Catalonia, is known for its beautiful landscapes, golden beaches, and vibrant summer festivities.

These celebrations not only highlight the rich culture and traditions of the region but also offer a unique opportunity for locals and visitors to experience Catalan hospitality at its best.

Arenys de Mar Major Festival One of the most prominent festivals in Maresme is the Arenys de Mar Major Festival, held in honor of Saint Zenon, the town's patron saint. This festival takes place in late August and features a blend of cultural, sporting, and leisure activities. Visitors can enjoy outdoor concerts, traditional dances like the sardana, and the thrilling correfoc, a nighttime parade where "devils" dance and set off fireworks. The Major Festival culminates with impressive fireworks on the beach, creating a magical experience for all attendees.

Calella and Alt Maresme Fair In early September, the city of Calella hosts the Calella and Alt Maresme Fair, an event celebrating rural traditions and cultural heritage of the region. This fair includes a variety of activities such as craft exhibitions, tastings of local products, and demonstrations of traditional crafts. It's a great opportunity to discover the essence of Maresme through its gastronomy, wines, and craftsmanship. Additionally, the fair features music and dance performances that add a festive atmosphere.

Fest of Sant Roc in Malgrat de Mar
Another highlight of summer in Maresme is the Feast of Sant Roc in Malgrat de Mar. This festivity, honoring Sant Roc, the patron saint of the city, combines the solemnity of religious processions with the fun of popular activities for all ages. The most anticipated moments include the donkey race, a local tradition that entertains both locals and tourists, and the colorful artisan markets where you can find everything from traditional ceramics to fresh local products. The Feast of Sant Roc is a time to come together as a community and celebrate the unique identity of Malgrat de Mar.

Les Nits de Jazz a Cabrera de Mar Per als amants de la música, les Nits de Jazz a Cabrera de Mar són un esdeveniment imperdible. Durant els mesos d'estiu, aquest encantador poble es converteix en un punt de trobada per als entusiastes del jazz, oferint concerts gratuïts a places i parcs. La combinació de bona música, nits càlides d'estiu i l'ambient relaxat del Maresme fa d'aquest esdeveniment una experiència inoblidable.

Conclusió Les festes estivals al Maresme no només reflecteixen la riquesa cultural i les tradicions de la regió, sinó que també ofereixen una meravellosa oportunitat per gaudir de l'hospitalitat i l'alegria de la seva gent. Ja sigui participant en l'animada Festa Major d'Arenys de Mar, explorant la Fira de Calella i l'Alta Maresme, celebrant la Festa de Sant Roc a Pineda de Mar, o gaudint de les Nits de Jazz a Cabrera de Mar, cada esdeveniment promet una experiència única i memorable. Si tens l'oportunitat de visitar el Maresme a l'estiu, no et perdis aquestes festivitats que captiven l'essència i l'esperit d'aquesta bonica comarca catalana.