Glòria Dodas came for a holiday to Sumus Hotel Monteplaya with a friend in an organized bus trip, and Joan Camps to relax for a few days close to his son, that lives in Malgrat de Mar.

The attention of Glòria was caught by a misterious and elegant gentleman dressed in white and with a hat, that looked at her discreetly. At the beginning she thought that he might be foreigner, so she didn't dare to talk to him, until she heard him talk and then knew that he was Spanish too. In the evenings, she used to dance at the dancefloor in the bar, and she took the opportunity to look at him in what she thought was a slyly way to Joan. He couldn't take his eyes off the elegant lady that danced with so much style and that looked at him in a less discreet way than she thought.
In the mornings, he sat at the hotel terrace to have his coffe, and she passed by his side casually, and they greet very formally. Until one morning, that he dared to ask her to have their coffee together. Until one evening, that she asked him if he knew how to dance.
Glòria tells us laughing their first dance, and her eyes sparkle when looks at Joan and reminds him when he hold her too cheekily. He smiles and looks at her enrapturated, and tells us that he fell in love with her way of talking and her carriage, and still gets blushed when he tells us that doesn't know how he dared to ask her to go up to the room, with the excuse of showing her some portraits that a street artists made for him at the promenade. Then they discovered that their rooms were next to each other. Maybe it was a sign of the destiny?
One week later, they came back to Sumus Hotel Monteplaya, this time together to spend 4 days and get to know each other a little bit better. And since then they haven't spent a single day apart.
On 25th August, was the anniversary of this first dance together, and they came back to celebrate their first year together with their respective families. They say that it hasn't been that easy, as when you have a certain age and a strong personality it's a bit complicated to adapt to the character and ways of the other person. But their knowledge and their love, has made them get over any obstacle in their way to make the most of this second chance that life has given them to be happy again.

We wish you a very happy anniversary Glòria and Joan, and that Sumus Hotel Monteplaya can be for many years the symbol of your love.