Here at Sumus Hotel Stella & Spa in Pineda de Mar, we are proud to welcome friends and guests that come to the Psychobilly Meeting year after year, and find with us their second home during the festival. If you are looking for a hotel to stay during the days of this impressive musical meeting, don't hesitate to book here at our official website! We offer to all the Psychobilly festival particpants an extra 5% discount for their stay with the promodoce PSYCHOBILLY2020.
And if you still don't know about this meeting, here we explain you a little bit more about it:
The Psychobilly music genre started in the United Kingdom in the early 80’s and mixes elements of punk rock, rockabilly and horror films soundtracks with acid and science-fiction lyrics in a comedy tone. The principal instruments you’ll find in the Psychobilly bands are a double bass, guitar and drums.
This year is the 28th Edition of the Psychobilly Summer Festival, that takes place from 30th June to 7th July 2020. If you are staying in Pineda de Mar and the nearby towns, you may see some people with pin-up or rockabilly outfits mixed with colourful and flamboyant hairdos with punk reminiscences.
This festival attracts fans from all over the world, and here you will find some of the most famous Psychobilly bands playing live in different locations of the town. There is music in Santis’s Beach Bar since 10am and concerts in the festival tent located in Can Xaubet in the evenings until the early hours of the morning.
Have a look at this video of the edition of 2016 here:
You will also find the full concerts program of the event here