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Содержание > Blog > Sumus Cocktail
Sumus Cocktail
Май 20, 2016

When you start a new adventure, just like when we started with the Sumus Hotels brand project, there are a lot of details that you have to take in mind. We wanted to create a cocktail that defines us, something light and refreshing that will make you remind of the mediterranean summers, the relaxing afternoons in the swimming-pool, and at the same time, that our staff was able to participate in this project.

So, after some conversations we decided to create the #SumusCocktail contest, so all our bar staff in Monteplaya and Stella & Spa could participate in the creation process of our exclusive cocktail.

We must say that our people put forth good effort on it, and we have had very interesting proposals that we have been publishing in our Facebook. In order to be able to evaluate the proposals in a fair-minded way, a commitee of Sumus Hotels Group Direction, made a tasting of the different cocktails, scoring from 1 to 5 the taste, presentation and refreshment feeling of each cocktail.

It has been really difficult to choose only one cocktail, that's why finally, among the winner of the #SumusCocktail, we have given 3 additional prizes, corresponding to the highest score in each category. Here you have the finalists:

Finalistas Sumus Cocktail : Teo, Raul, Oscar

TEO: Most refreshing -> recipe

RAUL: Best presentation -> recipe

OSCAR: Best taste -> recipe

And the best cocktail by general agreement, and winner of the #SumusCocktail contest is...

Antonio, ganador de Sumus Cocktail

¡Antonio, from Sumus Hotel Monteplaya!

Below we'll explain you how Antonio makes the Sumus Cocktail, so you can do it at home, close your eyes and be transported to your holidays with us :)

INGREDIENTS (1 person)

sumuscocktail_ingredientes4 ice cubes

10ml Bacardi

30ml Blue Curaçao

1oml Malibu Rum

30ml of milk

Pineapple Juice

Put in the cocktail shaker (in this order) ice, bacardi, malibú, blue curaçao and the pinneaple juice. In last place add the milk and shake it.


To decorate the glass, you can use grenadine or other colourful syrup and sugar. First soak the glass border in the syrup, an then pass it throught the sugar so set it.


Serve the cocktail in the decorated glass:

sirviendo el cocktail

And finish de decoration with a pineapple slice. You can attach to it another smaller fruit with a toothpick, like a cherry or a strawberry, for example ;)


We hope that you enjoy it!

And if you make it at home, don't forget to leave us your impressionts at the comments